Preface from one of my own countrymen, but it was not to be, although one of them, as I have shown, unlocked the mystery and so far solved the great problem. I am indebted to a foreigner for this efficient service; and I now, in conclusion, request particular attention to the last article in this pamphlet, namely,—a lecture given before the King and Court of Wurtemburg, at Stuttgart, in December 1865, by the celebrated physician and professor, Dr. Niemeyer, which I have had very carefully translated. I heartily thank that generous and able man for the valuable testimony which he has borne to the truth of the system, for the honour and credit which he has bestowed upon my medical adviser, Mr. William Harvey, and for his gratifying tribute to my own motives and conduct in publishing my experience to the world. WILLIAM BANTING. Kensington, May, 1869. Next |