Our selection of low carb and Atkins diet books. Each low carb plan has its own unique differences and approach to weight-loss. It is quite informative to check more than one low carb plan to find the one suitable to YOU.
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The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook Use of Oils in Cooking | By Dr. Johanna Budwig Contemporary nutritional science owes a great deal to Dr. Budwig's early discoveries on Fat Metabolism and Healing. This brilliant scientific mind has put together a wonderfully imaginative "cookbook" – a practical guide for the use of oils in daily meal preparation. You can discover over 500 delicious meal possibilities using the healing powers of Flax Oil while learning about "Good" fats and "Bad" fats – and the proper use of fats in daily cooking – all from a high protein diet slant. A practical guide written by seven-time nobel prize nominee. |
GO-Diet: The Goldberg-O'Mara Diet Plan | By Jack Goldberg and Karen O'Mara Over 54% of the adult U.S. population are overweight or obese. The GO-Diet is a high monounsaturated fat, very low carbohydrate, normal protein diet plan which ensures safe weight loss without calorie restriction or muscle wasting while promoting heart healthy foods. The book is based on the research program conducted at a major Chicago community hospital to test its efficacy. It is divided into 10 chapters giving the reader the background knowledge to understand why other diet programs fail, details about the diet, shopping and cooking guidelines and a variety of tasty recipes to get the reader started on a new way of life. The chapters on the scientific basis of the diet examine why the current conventional dietary advice advocating low fat and high carbohydrate diets are doomed to failure. Indeed, they may be the cause of our current epidemic of overweight and obesity because they do not address the underlying hyperinsulinemia, which may central to the development of obesity. |
Eat Fat, Be Healthy: Understanding the Heart-Stopper Gene and When a Low-Fat Diet can Kill You Understanding the Heartstopper Gene and When a Low-Fat Diet Can Kill You | By Matthew J. Bayan At forty-five, Matthew J. Bayan appeared to be in robust health. He exercised daily, ate a low-fat diet, never smoked, and avoided excess stress. But in the early hours of May 9, 1996, he was jolted awake by a massive heart attack. Rushed to a nearby hospital emergency room, Bayan was close to death; in fact, he did die - his heart was restarted by doctors more than six dozen times. As he recovered, Bayan received the usual treatment for heart patients, which included a very low fat diet - one that Bayan followed faithfully. But to Bayan's and his doctors' growing concern, his bad-cholesterol and triglyceride levels worsened on the very low fat diet. Something was clearly wrong... |
Charles Hunt's Diet Evolution: 'Eat Fat and Get Fit' Eat Fat and Get Fit! | By Charles J. Hunt Charles Hunt's Diet Evolution is admirable in that it takes a simple, friendly approach to a topic which has often inspired great flights of technical jargon. Instead of complicating the matter unnecessarily, Hunt cuts to the chase, and tells you how to do a low carb diet -- which is, after all, what most folks want to know about the subject. This book will teach you more in one short reading about what a truly natural human diet looks like than anything in the thousands of gimmicky, dogma-ridden books about low-fat high-carbohydrate diets ever will. |
Eat Fat, Lose Weight The Right Fats Can Make You Thin for Life | By Ann Louise Gittleman Fifty-four percent of Americans are overweight and 22 percent of them are considered obese. With many of us practicing a low fat diet why are we still gaining weight? According to Ann Louise Gittleman, it's not too much fat in our diets, but too little of the right kind of fat. In reality, many Americans are suffering from a massive fat deficiency that is contributing to the rise of obesity, diabetes, arthritis, breast cancer, and many more ills common today. Believe it or not, it takes fat to lose fat. Gittleman believes this is the problem with many low fat diets. Medicinal fats, known as essential fatty acids, actually increase our metabolic rate. EFAs can help you stay fit and healthy. |
Essential Fatty Acids in Health & Disease > Using the Essential Fats w3 and w6 to Improve Your Health, Lower Your Cholesterol, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease | By Dr. Edward N. Siguel Comprehensive description of the role of essential fats in health and disease for people who want to live long and healthy lives, patients, professionals, and news media. The author discovered why low-fat diets can be harmful, and invented a test to diagnose deficiencies and imbalances of essential fats. Based on original research by the author published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, presented at scientific meetings, and cited by international news media such as CNN, Time, The New York Times, etc. Reveals how to use the essential fats w3 (like fish, flax oils) and w6 (like soybean, evening primrose, borage oils) to improve your health, prevent cardiovascular disease, improve your IQ, get a healthier, trimmer body, and have younger looking skin. Discusses guidelines on fat, cholesterol, cancer, and diabetes. Advises on lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and dangerous blood levels of trans fatty acids. |
Smart Fats:How Dietary Fats & Oils Affect Mental, Physical, & Emotional Intelligence How Dietary Fats and Oils Affect Mental, Physical and Emotional Intelligence | By Michael A. Schmidt Written by a research scientist in the field of nutrition, this book describes how the body's digestive, communication, and nervous systems function, and links fatty acid intake to memory, mood and behavior. Schmidt explains how most "low-fat" diets are actually unhealthy. Technical details that other authors apparently thought were too difficult for the average reader are covered in this book. But that doesn't make the book difficult to read. If we followed the excellent suggestions of this book, I wager there would be less Alzheimer's, better memory in aging adults, and smarter kids. |
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