Overnight Strata Sandwiches 3 tbsp. butter, softened
12 slices bread (low carb/high carb)
3 tbsp. mustard
6 oz. smoked chicken, turkey or ham
6 oz. cheddar cheese, thinly siced
1 tomato
3 eggs
1/8 cup heavy cream
1/8 cup water
1/4 tsp. pepper
To accomodate everyone, I use half high carb bread, and half low carb bread.
Butter one side of each slice of bread, spread other side with mustard. On mustard side of six slices, evenly divide chicken, cheese and tomato. Cover with slice of bread, buttered side out; cut sandwiches in half, diagonally. (Basically you're just making sandwiches and cutting them in half).
Arrange sandwiches, cut side down and overlapping, in greased 11 x 7 baking dish. Whisk together eggs, cream, water, and pepper, pour over sandwiches. Cover and refrigerate for up to 12 hours. Bake at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes or until crisp and golden. Garnish with parsley. Serves 6.
Carbs of course depend on what bread you use and what meat.
The last time I made this, I used 17 carbs for all the other ingredients.
November 2001 - "Let's Talk About Holidays Meals Post"