Our selection of low carb and Atkins diet books. Each low carb plan has its own unique differences and approach to weight-loss. It is quite informative to check more than one low carb plan to find the one suitable to YOU.
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NeanderThin: Eat Like a Caveman to Achieve a Lean, Strong, Healthy Body Eat Like a Caveman to Achieve a Lean, Strong, Healthy Body | By Raymond V. Audette Not just another weight-loss diet guide, NeanderThin presents a rational case for how humankind's digestive genetics have not caught up with the radical changes in diet since the start of the Neolithic era (10-20 thousand years ago). A clear, well-stated argument is made for elimination of modern foods that need to be cooked or processed to be edible, or which couldn't be obtained by a hunter-gatherer on the savanna, 'naked with only a sharp stick.' Well done, and totally workable recommendations without demanding too much in the way of dietary sacrifice or lifestyle change. |
The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter & Practitioner A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner | By Lyle McDonald 'The Ketogenic Diet' is a complete resource for anyone interested in low-carbohydrate diets (such as Atkins, Protein Power, etc.) It looks objectively at the physiology behind such diets, including potential negative effects, and gives specific recommendations on how to optimize such a diet assuming an individual has chosen to do one. Exercise is discussed in great detail, including background physiology, the effects of exercise on fat loss, exercise guidelines and sample workouts. A great deal of basic physiology information is included so that readers without a technical background will be able to understand the topics discussed. |
Living Low-Carb: The Complete Guide to Long-Term Low-Carb Dieting | By Fran McCullough Everything food-loving dieters need to know to achieve lasting success, including strategies for controlling binges and cravings, dealing with sudden weight gains, and secret metabolic weapons. If you loved Fran McCullough's fabulous cookbook, this is a must-have! Includes over 175 new recipes as well! |
How I Gave Up My Low Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds! | By Dana Carpender Subtitled "Everybody's Guide to Low Carbohydrate Dieting", How I Gave Up My Low Fat Diet and Lost Forty Pounds! is a breezy, chatty,non-technical, fun-to-read explanation of low carbohydrate dieting -- why it works, the surprising health benefits, and most importantly, how to "do" the diet. Or, rather, diets,since the book details three very different main approaches to controlling carbohydrates. Funny, easy to read, and hard to put down. Dana talks like one of us - because she is. |
The Smart Guide to the Low-Carb Anti-Aging Diet | By John Morgenthaler and Mia Simms Reflecting the medical breakthrough in understanding the role of lower insulin levels in general good health, The Low-Carb Anti-Aging Diet encourages fat loss, increases energy, enhances mental clarity, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and slows aging. The authors show how this plan works through a combination of diet, exercise, and nutritional supplements. |
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life | By Wolfgang Lutz, MD The original title of this book when it was published in German in 1967 was "Leben ohne Brot" ("Life without Bread") - "Bread" in this case meaning carbohydrates of all kinds. The objective was to convince the reader that carbohydrate foodstuffs were detrimental to health. This first English edition will clear the way for a discussion of (refined) carbohydrates as the cause for diseases of civilization. This quest is likely to succeed since the lipid theory, which has dominated the minds of medical scientists for the past several decades, has dug its own grave. The huge and very costly epidemiological studies have indeed demonstrated that the blood-cholesterol level is somehow prognostic for the occurrence of heart attacks. |
The Crazy Makers: How the American Food Industry is Destroying Our Minds and Harming Our Children How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children | By Carol Simontacchi The Crazy Makers is an indictment of American food processors and what they are serving the nation. Are they distributing food, or manufacturing products that redefine what we think food to be? How far afield of true food has the search for profit and the need to meet consumer trends led food manufacturers? Nutritionist Carol Simontacchi shows how the pseudo-foods being promoted today--from infant formulas to health-conscious prepackaged meals--are, in fact, physically eroding our brains. While it has been proven that food choices contribute to degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, Simontacchi maintains that our mental condition is also at risk. |
Your Body's Many Cries for Water:You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty! You Are Not Sick; You Are Thirsty! | By F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. The average American is woefully uninformed about water. Most people think they drink enough water, but they don't. The body possesses many different thirst signals. A dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of your body's water needs. This book shows how to recognize the various thirst signals, and helps you learn to understand when your body is calling for water. In this way, you can prevent, treat and cure a variety of conditions of ill health, at no cost, with nature's miracle medicine: water. The book explains how much water one needs to drink a day to stay healthy, and why tea, coffee, and sodas are not good substitutes for water. |
Thin for Good: The One Low-Carb Diet That will Finally Work for You The One Low-Carb Diet That Will Finally Work for You | By Fred Pescatore, M.D. Dr. Pescatore was Associate Medical Director of the world-renowned Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine for five years before founding the prestigious Centers for Integrative and Complementary Medicine, based in New York and Dallas. Thin For Good offers an innovative approach to losing weight and keeping it off safely and effectively. Dr. Pescatore not only provides excellent information on what to eat -- he also sheds insight on the emotional aspects of eating which, if not understood, can sabotage even the best weight-loss efforts. The first low-carb diet to include a revolutionary mind-body plan including affirmations, self-evaluations, exercises, and an inspirational discussion of dieters' emotions and cravings. |
Suzanne Somers` Eat Great, Lose Weight | By Suzanne Somers Years ago, Suzanne Somers lost the chance to appear on a hit television series because she was "too chunky." That missed opportunity started her on a "diet roller coaster," trying all kinds of diets. Now Somers believes that diets and deprivation do not help people lose weight in the long-term. In Eat Great, Lose Weight, she explains the food-combining plan she calls "Somersizing": eliminate "funky foods" such as sugar ("my body's greatest enemy") and white flour; eat fruits alone on an empty stomach; eat proteins and fats with vegetables and without carbohydrates; eat carbohydrates with vegetables and without fat. |
Suzanne Somers' Get Skinny on Fabulous Food | By Suzanne Somers In the second volume of the series (the first being Eat Great, Lose Weight), the lessons on Somersizing continue, along with the testimonials. Essentially, it calls for a very specific combination of foods--fruit alone, protein and vegetables together--as well as the elimination of sugars and alcohols. Much of the text is taken up with justification; there's a comparison with other diets, with various medical facts and research, and even with ingredients in alternative foodstuffs. Tips for dining out and for menus complete the instruction--and lead into more than 130 recipes, designated either for losing (level one) or for maintaining (level two) weight. |
The Schwarzbein Principle : The Truth About Losing Weight, Being Healthy And Feeling Younger The Truth About Losing Weight, Being Healthy, and Feeling Younger | By Dr. Diana Schwarzbein Books on weight loss and nutrition are often either impenetrable or sappy, loaded with science that confuses the reader or filled with platitudes. This book is informative, highly intelligent and engrossing. You move through it quickly because the stories and principles are well developed and easy to read. The latest evolution in low-carbohydrate health and fitness, the unique, proven "Schwarzbein Principle" will revolutionize the way millions of people look at eating, losing weight, and maintaining optimal health. |
Eat Right for Your Type:The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight | By Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo As recently as five years ago, any talk about the healing powers of alternative medicine would have produced considerable scoffing. Today, many patients of alternative practitioners can relate at least one true curative tale. The time is ripe, then, for naturopathic physician-researcher D'Adamo to promote his family's two-generation investigation into the alliance between blood type, diet, exercise, and health. His premise is that the four blood types--O, A, B, and AB--are the key to our immune systems. There is a strong and proven chemical reaction, positive or negative, between blood type and the foods one eats. Each type, he (and his co-author) says, requires its own diet, exercise, and meal plans; vitamin supplements; and personality profile. |
Nutrition & Evolution:Food in Evolution & the Future Food in Evolution and the Future | By Michael Crawford and David Marsh They bill it as "an amazing new look at human evolution - and the unsuspected power that may impel it." The authors take a page from Ray Audette's Neanderthin (above) and look at the effects that modern diet has had on our human bodies - created to eat a more carnivorous caveman diet. While they dabble in theories of origin here, skip right to the biochemistry set out in this book which can literally restore your health if you have a Western degenerative disease. Crawford and Marsh elucidate an emerging paradigm. |
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