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Harvey-Banting, the First Low Carb Plan
Atkins Diet
Protein Power
Schwarzbein Principle
Dr. Donaldson, Eskimo Diet, 1929
Life Without Bread
The Diet Cure
Fat Flush Plan
Neanderthin Diet
Dr. Mackarness Stone Age Diet, 1958
Carbohydrate Addict's Diet
The Zone Diet
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (IBS)
South Beach Diet
Insulin Control Diet
Insulin Resistance Diet
Go Diet
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Low-Carb Diet Plans


The Zone

The Zone

Plan's name: The Zone

Book(s): Enter the Zone, published in 1996, has since written Master The Zone, The Soy Zone, A Week in the Zone,  Zone Blocks, Anti-Aging Zone, Top 100 Zone Foods and Zone Recipes.

About the author: Barry Sears Ph.D., is a widely published scientist and medical researcher who currently serves as the president of Eicotech Corporation, a biotechnology company. He lives in Swampscott, Massachusetts, with his wife, Lynn, and two daughters, Kelly and Kristin.

Basic Philosophy: The only change you make is to add more fat when you are in maintenance to prevent you from continual loss. Otherwise, you eat the same from the beginning….i.e. there is no induction phase.

By the numbers: : 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 30% fat

Method: Block method. 1 carb block = 9g carbohydrates, 1 protein block = 7g protein (absolutely no fat), 1 fat block = 3g fat …… however, since most meats (even lean cuts) tend to have some fat "hanging around", he recommends assuming that your protein source already has 1.5g fat. Therefore 1 fat block = 1.5g fat.

 Typical menu: An average meal for a woman with average activity levels is a 3 block meal. You would have 3 carb blocks (e.g. 1c green beans [1block] and 1 apple [2blocks), 3 protein blocks (e.g. 3oz. of chicken), and 3 fat blocks (e.g. cook your chicken in 1tsp. of olive oil [3blocks]).

 Emphasis: Insulin Control

Unique Fatures: Unlike Atkins or PP (for example) the Zone wants you to concentrate on always eating a ratio of 40% carbs, 30% protein

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