The Insulin Resistance Diet
 Plan's name: The
Insulin Resistance Diet Book(s): The
Insulin-Resistance Diet : How to Turn Off Your Body's Fat-Making Machine
. About the author: Cheryle
R. Hart. M.D. is the founder of the Wellness Workshop, a medical
weight-loss clinic in Washington. She was the associate clinical professor of
medicine at the Mayo Clinic and the University of Washington Medical School.
She specializes in bariatrics. Her clinic address the four main aspects of
what she considers to be successful weight management: medical, nutritional,
fitness education and emotional support.
Mary kay Grossman, R.D She is the nutritional adviser for the
Wellness Workshop. Discovered that she too suffered from Insulin Resistance
when she began to formulate menus and plans for her patients. This plan
enabled her to finally lose weight seven years after the birth of her child. Basic Philosophy: According
to the authors, it is not carbohydrates that cause weight gain, but lack of
protein and an excess of carbohydrates consumed in one sitting. Therefore, the
authors recommend that carbs and protein be consumed in the ratio of 15g:7g.
The maximum amount of carbohydrate allowed per meal or snack is 30g, and this
must be balanced with at least 14g of protein. This concept is referred to as
"linking and balancing" in that all carbs are linked with protein and balanced
in this specific ratio.
The authors endorse the low fat hypothesis, so the plan
dictates that low fat protein such as poultry, fish and low fat dairy products
be used mainly as protein sources. Red meat can only be consumed 2 or 3 times
a week. The plan counts beans and milk as proteins.
All vegetables with the exception of corn and potatoes can
be eaten freely on the diet. Avocados and olives must be limited however due
to their high fat content. Apples, cherries, peaches, plums and grapefruit do
not need to be linked and balanced with protein, but are confined to no more
than a half cup serving every 2 to 3 hours.
No more than 32g of carbs may be consumed within 2 hours.
If one consumes more than this then the excess is stored as fat. This concept
is known as the 2 hour fat window. Protein, however can be eaten at any time
Exercise is strongly endorsed
Critical of ketogenic diets
By the numbers: : Fat:20-30%,
Protein: 20-30% Carbohydrate: 40-60%. Fats and Oils: Keep fats to a minimum,
include some good fats. High-Carbohydrate Foods :Eat no more than 2 servings
at any one time. Eat at least 2 fruits servings daily. High-Protein Foods: Eat
at least 8 servings a day. Include 2 to 5 servings of dairy foods. Vegetables:
Consume Freely, but eat at least 3 servings a day Method: N/A Typical menu:
- Breakfast :egg on toast, yogurt with cereal, milk with
- Lunch: Sandwich with meat and low fat cheese, grilled
chicken salad , beef soup with a potato
- Dinner: Lean meat with a potato and vegetables, lentil
pilaf with low fat cheese, pasta with meatballs and a green salad
Emphasis: Emphasis
on: Fat and Protein. Can be difficult to find low fat protein sources if you
do not wish to include milk and beans as true protein sources. Unique Fatures: Resembles
a diabetic diet. No foods are banned which makes this plan very livable.
Suitable for vegetarians. Treats are recommended up to 2 or 3 times a week.
This may lead people down the slippery slop if they "treat" themselves to
foods they are actually addicted to such as sugar.
May not work for those who are very sensitive to
carbohydrates. Proscribes to the low fat theory, so is more likely to be
accepted by the mainstream medical establishment. Summarized by: Scarlet |