The Fat Flush Plan

Plan's name: The Fat Flush Plan Book(s):
The book titled 'The Fat Flush Plan' by Anne Louise
Gittleman was published in 2002 but the first fat flush eating plan
made its debut in her book 'Beyond Pritkin released in 1988. About the author:
Anne Louise Gittleman. Anyone who does know the health scene at all
over the past two decades knows that Ann Louise is one of the most respected,
dynamic, and accomplished "celebrity" nutritionists America has ever produced.
As a writer, consultant, talk show host and spokesperson, Ann Louise has
imprinted her distinctive message on everything she does. Basic Philosophy:
Emphasis is not given solely to controlling insulin
production but to "Five Hidden Weight Gain Factors" being
- Liver toxicity
- Waterlogged tissues
- Fear of eating fat
- Excess insulin
- Stress fat
By the numbers: The ratios
resemble the the Zone's 40/30/30, and the Dr. Sears has written a forward for
the Fat Flush Plan Method: The plan
has three set guidelines
Phase 1: The two week Fat Flush
Phase 2: Ongoing fat Flush
Phase 3: The lifestyle eating plan
Phase 1 is the 'toughest' stage of the program and has been labled 'bootcamp'.
It is first and foremost a cleansing program to facilitate weight loss by
giving the liver support and nourishment.
Phase 2 is designed for ongoing weight loss with a bit more variety in food
choices adding back a 'friendly' carb each week to check for adverse reaction
to it.
Phase 3 is really the fat flush maintance program providing a lifelong eating
program aimed at increasing your vitality and well-being for life. Now 2 dairy
products can be reintroduced and a variety of starchier veggies and nongluten
grains. Once again new foods are added back one at a time to gauge your bodies
reaction. Once on this stage of the program you will likely find your daily
percentages work out at the ratio 40:30:30
The FFP is made up of whole natural foods eaten without salt.
Cut out are trans fats, caffine, diet sodas, alcohol, aspartame, sugar, yeast
relalted vinegars (except apple cider vinegar), all grains and cereals,
starchy vegetables, in the first phases dairy products (except whey) are also
Flaxseed oil (2 tlbs) and essential fatty acid supplement are to be taken
1 cup of unsweetened Cranberry juice is to be watered down to make up 64 oz
and taken throughout the day.
First thing upon waking and last thing at night you have a teaspoon of
psyllium husks in a glass of the 'cran-water' dubbed the 'Long life cocktail'.
Lemon juice in morning in hot water.
Lean Protein up to 8oz a day.
Eggs up to 2 a day.
Vegetables unlimited from a choice of non starchy low GI selection.
Fruit up to 2 a day from the low GI and carb, eg; 1/2 grapefruit or 1 c
berries equals one choice.
Typical menu:
A Day on Phase 1: The 2-Week Fat Flush Plan
Try this sample menu:
On arising:
Long Life Cocktail
Before breakfast:
8 ounces hot water with lemon juice
Veggie scramble: 2 scrambled eggs with spinach, green peppers, scallions and
parsley, and one 8-ounce glass of cran-water
Midmorning snack:
1/2 large grapefruit
20 minutes before lunch:
One 8-ounce glass of cran-water
4 ounces of salmon with lemon and garlic, warm asparagus, mixed-green salad
with broccoli florets and cucumber, 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil, and one 8-ounce
glass of cran-water
Two 8-ounce glasses of cran-water
4pm snack:
1 apple
20 minutes before dinner:
One 8-ounce glass cran-water
4 ounces of grilled lamb chop with a pinch of cinnamon and a dash of dried
mustard, sautéed kale in broth, baked summer squash with a touch of cloves,
and 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
Long Life Cocktail
How to Use This Menu:
You can use this example as a basic menu guide. Just substitute foods from the
same food groups for daily variety. Besides the daily diet, take GLA
supplements, and a balanced multivitamin/mineral. You can change the fluid
intake to suit your schedule if that is more convenient, of course.
Unique Fatures: No herbs or spices
except for those fat flushing herbs and spices outlined in The Fat Flush Plan
No margarine
No alcohol
No sugar
No oils or fats except those in the flaxseed oil
No grains, bread, cereal or starchy vegetables such as beans, potatoes, corn,
parsnips, carrots, peas, pumpkin, or acorn or butternut squash
No dairy products
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