Eat Fat Get Thin
 Plan's name:
Eat Fat, Get Thin Book(s): Eat
Fat, Get Thin! - first published in 1999 by Barry Groves.
About the author: Dr Groves
and his wife, Monica, became overweight in the first few years after their
marriage in 1957. He discovered the low carb diet in 1962, and both he and his
wife lost weight with great success. They have maintained the weight loss
since then.
He began studying the role of food types in the aetiology of obesity at that
time, and in 1982 when he retired from the Royal Air Force, began full time
research, later broadening the scope of his research to the relationship
between diet and other modern 'diseases of civilisation' such as heart disease
and cancer.
He has a PhD in Nutritional Science.
Basic Philosophy: This is a
high fat, low carb plan, which allows 60g carbohydrates per day. Calories are
unrestricted. Ketosis is considered unnecessary; Dr Groves even feels it is
By the numbers: : There are no
phases in this plan. One continues eating 60g carbs until goal is reached. At
that time extra carbs can be added until no further weight is being lost. Method:
: Reduce your intake of refined carbs.
You can eat as much as you want of any meat, fish, poultry, cheese, cream,
butter and eggs.
You can eat as much as you like of green leafy vegetables: cabbage, brussels
sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, and so on.
He does say that it is advisable to cut out some foods such as sugar and
cereals completely, but does include small amounts in his menus. He cautions
that you may need to be wary of such foods.
Fruit and vegetables are permitted, just cut down on the sweeter, starchier
He says it is a good idea to give up bread, but if you feel you cannot, cut
down to a maximum of 2 slices per day.
Exercise only if you want to.
Dr Groves states that exercise has its place in a healthy lifestyle, but says
that as a means of losing weight it is a dead loss. Only do the exercise you
Leave the fat on meat.
And do not remove the skin from chicken, duck or turkey. Use full cream milk
in preference to skim, and have cream with your fruit if you wish.
Eat a high protein breakfast.
It is essential to start the day in such a way that your blood sugar levels
are high and you will not have to snack between meals.
Chapter 9 cites studies which show that doing this can keep your blood sugar
levels steady all day long.
If you are not overweight, do not diet.
The book includes a chapter where normal weight ranges are discussed. Typical menu:
1 cup grapefruit juice
Herb omelette
2-3 slices streaky bacon
1 slice buttered toast
22g carbs
Beef steak with its fat
½ cup carrots in butter
1 cup green beans
1 thin slice sponge cake
27g carbs
Poached halibut
Green salad
Cheese with 2 water biscuits and butter.
11g carbs
Total carbohydrates for the day: 60 grams.
Unique Fatures:
The plan does permit small amounts of sugar and refined carbs. Some of the
recipes in Eat Fat, Get Thin are even made with sugar. For this reason, this
plan may not be suitable for someone who has a strong addiction to carbs.
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