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You hear about the Dr. Atkins diet, Protein Power, Carbohydrate Addicts, the Zone diet, CKD, SommerSizing and all other high-protein low carb diet plans, but which one is right for you? Read what other low-carbers think about the low carb plan they're following and how they live with it. This may help you find the right plan for you. Please feel free to join the discussion to comment on these plans or tell about your favourite low carb plan!
  Low Carb Plans Comparison:
Harvey-Banting, the First Low Carb Plan
Atkins Diet
Protein Power
Schwarzbein Principle
Dr. Donaldson, Eskimo Diet, 1929
Life Without Bread
The Diet Cure
Fat Flush Plan
Neanderthin Diet
Dr. Mackarness Stone Age Diet, 1958
Carbohydrate Addict's Diet
The Zone Diet
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (IBS)
South Beach Diet
Insulin Control Diet
Insulin Resistance Diet
Go Diet
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Low-Carb Diet Plans


The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet 

The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program

Plan's name: The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet

Book(s): The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet [Copyright 1991] The Carbohydrates Addict's LifeSpan Program "A Personalized Plan For Becoming Slim, Fit, and Healthy In Your 40s, 50s, 60s, and Beyond" [Copyright 1997]
By: Dr's. Richard F. and Rachael F. Heller

About the author: N/A

Basic Philosophy: According to the Heller's research, many carbohydrate addicts produce too much insulin. This excess insulin creates hunger and causes the body to store fat. This program is designed to reduce hunger and carbohydrate cravings - thus achieving weight loss - by controlling your insulin. Controlling insulin is accomplished by controlling the amount, type and timing of carbohydrates that are consumed during the course of the day.

By the numbers: : Two low-carb meals, and a third reward meal.

Method: : Two meals during the course of the day are of specifically listed low carbohydrate foods. The third meal of the day - the "reward" meal - includes carbohydrates. However, the reward meal is to include a pre-meal "craving reducing" salad and equal portions of protein, vegetable and carbohydrate-rich food [including any dessert you may desire]. Also, the reward meal must be consumed in its entirety within one hour.

Typical menu: N/A

Unique Fatures:  Pros: No induction period. No weighing or measuring of foods and no counting of carbs; just a simple list of "Craving-Reducing Foods" that are permitted during the course of the day [excluding the "reward meal"].

Con's: Some persons may have trouble holding back on the reward meal until they become adapted to the diet. The reward meal is not a permitted "binge"; it has specific guidelines that must be adhered to if the diet is to work.

Misc: Includes Carbohydrate Addiction test, information on carb triggers, reasons for and possible solutions to weight reduction stalls, additional weight-loss options that may be added to the basic plan and sample menus and recipes. Low fat options are included for those who must limit the fat in their diet.

In addition, the Hellers are totally opposed to being in Ketosis. They feel it is harmful and should be avoided by eating enough carbs. 

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Summarized by: Sandy

New! The Low-Carb Gourmet, by Karen Barnaby

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