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If you are wondering which plan is best for you, Atkins Diet, Protein Power etc., or would like to know about other low-carb plans, check our latest addition Low Carb Plan Comparison .

Letter On Corpulence
Before the Dr. Atkins diet and all other low carb diets, there was William Banting's mid 19th century book on the low carbohydrate diet! Read it online .

Low Carb Recipes, Gourmet Style!
Gourmet Low Carb Recipes suitable for the Atkins Diet and other Low-Carb Diets by Karen Barnaby, best-selling author of cookbooks.
Check the recipe in her Karen's gourmet low carb recipes.

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Low Carb Success Stories Read some inspiring low carb success stories by our readers who followed the Atkins diet and other low carb plans! Before and After.
  Featured articles:
Which low-carb plan is right for me?
First low carb diet book ever, since 1860's
Studies suggest Atkins diet is safe!
Low carb Tiramisu recipe!
The truth about low carb sweeteners info
Living la vida low carb!
Low carbohydrate diet helps diabetics
Carbohydrate Counter


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 NEW: Karen's "The Low-Carb Gourmet"

Atkins Diet and Low-Carb News

Sep 19, 2008, Petition : To the NIH - Please acknowledge existing science!

High-Carb Diets & Cancer

Atkins Diet: Headlines

Carb-Rich Diets Increase Risks of Breast Cancer.

Carbohydrates have been taking a beating for their putative effect on the waistline in recent years due to the surge of low-carb diets such as the Atkins diet.. Now they're coming under fire for potentially putting women at an increased risk of breast cancer.

A study of 1,866 Mexican women has found that those who obtained more than 62 percent of their calories from carbs were more than twice as likely to develop breast cancer compared to women whose carb intake accounted for 52 percent or less of their diet. "The main carbohydrates these women ate were ... continue...

Latest Atkins diet and low carbohydrate news
Updated: Sun, 5 Jan, 2025, 19:03
  • Eat Smart: Secrets Of The Glucose Goddess (Fri 3 Jan)
  • The sweet escape: Are ketones a key player in unlocking healthy aging? (Thu 2 Jan)
  • How the controversial ‘Keto’ diet can actually improve mental health (Mon 30 Dec)
  • Why US obesity rates fell for the first time in decades (Sun 29 Dec)
  • Low carb diet may improve cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes (Sat 28 Dec)
  • ‘Junk food companies would have offered £1m to buy me off,’ Dr Chris van Tulleken (Sat 28 Dec)
  • Eggs added to FDA’s updated healthy claim food list (Wed 25 Dec)
  • Ketosis Metabolites Control Appetite (Fri 20 Dec)
  • Join the Online Breakfast Study (Fri 20 Dec)
  • Mammoths topped the menu for North American Ice Age people (Mon 16 Dec)
  • Doctors warn cooking oil used by millions may be fueling explosion of colon cancers (Fri 13 Dec)
  • Busting the Myths About Saturated Fat, Seed Oils, Carbs & Salt | Dr. Nina Teicholz (Sat 7 Dec)
  • The Royal Institution 2024 Christmas Lectures (Sat 7 Dec)
  • Ketone Bodies Clear Damaged Proteins in the Brain (Mon 2 Dec)
  • Get Protein Right, Avoid Dying 6.4 Years Too Early (Tue 26 Nov)
  • Americans are eating less meat. And more meat. How? (Sat 23 Nov)
  • We have a chronic disease epidemic because government has fattened us up (Fri 22 Nov)
  • New Weight Loss Drug Boosts Energy and Reduces Appetite Without Side Effects (Mon 18 Nov)
  • Fasting as a health solution?– not so fast. (Mon 18 Nov)
  • Three-Quarters of U.S. Adults Are Now Overweight or Obese (Fri 15 Nov)
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    A Calorie Is A Calorie?

    Study: All Calories Are Not Created Equal. Low-Carbohydrate Diets Have Metabolic Edge

    Scientists may be close to finding out why low-carb diets, such as the Atkins diet, are more effective than low-calorie diets. In a paper published last week in the Nutrition Journal, researchers from SUNY Downstate Medical Center show that low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets can be expected to be more effective for weight loss than low-fat diets. Their supposition goes against long standing prejudices of the nutritional community which for years have claimed that only calories count in the battle to lose weight."There are numerous examples of low-carbohydrate diets being more effective than low-fat diets with the same number of calories. continue...

    Dr. Robert C. Atkins (1930-2003)

    Atkins Diet Vindicated

    April 17, 2003, A year after science proved him right, Dr. Robert C. Atkins passes away

    Dr. Atkins endured ridicule since the 70's, when he first published Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution.  This lone cardiologist stood up against the medical establishment by warning us of the dangers of sugar and carbs. He was called unflattering names by his peers and brought up before a senate committee, but nothing deterred him. Thirty years later, he was proven right. The only consolation to those who love him is that he passed away having had the last laugh, saying "I told you so."  Paying our respects.. continue

    May 21, 2003, Two new studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) A month after Dr. Robert C. Atkins' death, his much-ridiculed diet has received its most powerful scientific support yet: Two studies in one of medicine's most distinguished journals show it really does help people lose weight faster without raising their cholesterol.

    The research, in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, found that people on the high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet lose twice as much weight over six months as those on the standard low-fat diet recommended by most major health organizations. continue...

    Atkins Diet Challenge

    Atkins Diet: Latest Book

    February 13, 2003, New research on Atkins diet challenges 30 years of nutritional dogma

    Is it just possible Dr. Robert Atkins was right? That his high-fat, low-carb plan, ridiculed for 30 years as dangerous nonsense, actually is a good, safe way to lose weight? The dietary elite are not ready to change their collective mind, but a half-dozen or so new studies have taken an objective look at the presumed evils of Atkins, , and the results have been little short of astonishing: people on the Atkins diet lose more... continue...

    March, 2003: Latest Atkins Diet book: Atkins for Life.Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

    Dr. Atkins' latest book complements the previous "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution" bestseller. Whether you've lost weight doing the Atkins diet and want to make your success permanent or you're new to Atkins and are concerned about your health and weight control, Atkins for Life is for you. Filled with advice and tips on navigating the everyday.. .continue...

    NYT Article Pro-Atkins Diet

    Atkins Diet Healthy & Effective

    July, 2002: What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?

    Gary Taubes questions whether the Atkins Diet and Low-Carb Plans have been right all along.  "I have been impressed,’’ he said, ‘‘with the anger of academicians in the audience. Their response is ‘How dare you even present data on the Atkins diet!’ ’’ "In all five studies, cholesterol levels improved similarly with both diets, but triglyceride levels were considerably lower with the Atkins diet" continue...

    July, 2002, Duke University Research on the Atkins Diet

    DURHAM, N.C. – The high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet popularized by Dr. Robert Atkins Diet Revolution has been the subject of heated debate in medical circles for three decades. Now, preliminary research findings at Duke University Medical Center show that a low-carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins Diet can indeed lead to significant and sustained weight loss. .... patients’ cholesterol levels improved by the end of six months continue...

    Honest Warning?

    Atkins Diet: New Clinical Studies

    October, 2000. Low-Fat Author Leads "Objective" Study against Low-Carb Diets

    In a study sited as "proof" of how unhealthy the Atkins Diet, Protein Power and low-carb diets are in the long-term, the author of "High-Fibre Fitness" Leads a "research" team in a study published by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Instead of using clinical data, the research employed computer software simulation to "prove" that low-carb diets are not healthy, .... continue...

    February, 2002: New Studies Validate Benefits Of Atkins & Low-Carbohydrate, High-Protein Diets

    San Diego, 2002 is the First Annual Nutrition Week, February 23 - 27 by the NAASO.
    Four new clinical studies presented in favour of the Atkins Diet and Low-Carb diets. Researchers concluded that the Atkins Diet produced favorable effects on weight, HDL, triglycerides, and ...continue...

    Latest Research

    Preventing Type 2

    Dr. Atkins Responds to American Heart Association's Claims About High-Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets

    NEW YORK, March 21, 2001 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Heart Association's announcement to issue a position paper against high-protein, low carbohydrate diets, such as the Atkins Diet and Protein Power, seems to have sidelined state-of-the-art science and has done nothing but further confuse the American public.
    In response to ...."continue...

    The Atkins Diet Center for Complementary Medicine's Experts Available to Offer Solutions to the Diabetes Epidemic

    NEW YORK, Aug. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Today's warning from the Centers for Disease Control about the snowballing diabetes epidemic is old news at The Atkins Diet Center for Complementary Medicine, where clinicians have been reversing and preventing Type 2 diabetes with drug-free protocols for many years through low carbohydrate diet programs. continue...


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    There's a lot of research and articles related to low carbohydrates and Atkins Diet on the web, for and against. We keep track of them to keep you informed.

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